By Arrianee LeBeau, NCC News
Syracuse, NY- Caffeine is the most common addiction in the Nation according to addiction specialist Dr. Dessa Bergen-Cico of Syracuse University. It’s commonly consumed in coffee which is the most popular drink besides water. On average Americans drink three cups of coffee and day and according to the National Coffee Association more than six out of ten people are hooked on it.
“My mouth waters when I smell coffee,” Blake Stillwell said. Stillwell is a Syracuse University student who admitted to drinking a pot of coffee one night to get through an overnight shift. Stillwell said he knows the large amount of caffeine he consumes is not healthy but his caffeine vice is an addiction he isn't willing to kick.
Energy Drink Transition
But now more people are kicking the cup of joe to the curb and turning to energy drinks for an extra boost. Energy drinks with names like Monster, Rockstar and Red Bull are filling up store shelves and being marketed to young people. Red Bull uses hip athletes, students and free giveaways to build its popularity. This year the company estimates selling one-billion cans in the US. And students at Nottingham High School said Red Bull’s marketing strategy works.
“While playing sports I might drink it but I need two of them because I get tired after a certain amount of time. It’s just to keep me up and awake and hype,” said Dheris Wynn.

Energy Drink Cocktail Debut & Dangers
Now these energy drinks are moving from store shelves to pubs and being mixed with alcohol to create energy cocktails. “It makes you feel like an awake drunk. And so it masks some of the sense of intoxication that you might otherwise have,” said Bergen-Cico. She said because energy drinks have a lot of stimulants in them like ginseng, taurine and caffeine, when mixed with a depressant like alcohol it sends your body mixed signals.
She also said the dangers of drinking energy cocktails vary from person to person but heavy consumption inevitably ends with a crash. “Their blood alcohol level increases but they mentally believe that they’re somewhat alert and so they end up with alcohol poisoning and high concentrations of alcohol,” said Bergen-Cico.
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