Joyce Ogirri
NCC News Reporter

Rebuilding the South Side
“Now what we're in the process of doing, actually taking our rightful place in the community giving it new life putting a new spin on it," said Pastor Jaime.
That new spin includes turning the parking lot and rundown houses surrounding the People’s Church into affordable housing. And transforming the rundown brick building directly across from People’s Church into a place where young people can start their own business. South Side families, Jaime says, should spend their money here and not in other parts of Syracuse.
“It's important you invest in where you live and home is where your heart is,” said Pastor Jaime.
Activities in the Church
He decided to start at People's Church by having a clothing drive. Lenora Rice has five grandchildren to care for. She says this drive has made it much easier.
"We as parents, grandparents a lot of us is raising kids and it's hard. We are on set incomes. It helps us dress our kids properly," said Rice.
Pastor Jaime didn't stop there, he began a basketball ministry to teach the area's young people about the fundamentals of the game and life. This has helped Marquie Little go in the right direction.
"It helped me by staying out of trouble, having my head clear, focusing on school. Having people who care about me and having fun," said Little.
What He Means To The Church
Members of People’s Church say these changes are the result of one man’s faith in an area that most have written off. Darlene Kinsey has been a member for 50 years where she has witnessed the ups and downs. But she says they are on an up swing.
"God has sent us a Shepherd who has been able to watch over his sheep and teach the biblical way of learning and living through the Bible," said Kinsey.
Pastor Daren Jaime will continue to buy property on the South Side. He says economic and community developments are two of the biggest pieces that have to happen.
“We need to bring business that will sustain life into the community. It has to be attractive to the community at large,” said Pastor Jaime.